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Memory of a turtle Workshop

According to the Oxford dictionary a Memory is: "The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information". The present workshop is based in a memory of one of the most longest-living creatures: the turtles. Sea turtles lay their eggs on dry, sandy beaches. New born sea turtles are not cared for by the adults, making the process of survival difficult in their way from the beach to the sea.

The animation of the present workshop starts with the born of a turtle in a clean, beautiful beach. Many years later when the turtle comes back to put her eggs in the same beach she was borned; she finds a very different beach from the one she had in her memories. 

The result of the exercise is a 3d modeled scene of the animation, which shows the moment in which the principal character, the turtle, comes back to her home beach and finds it contamined with chemical waste. The model basic form was made in z spheres and then it was detailed and finished in Z-brush.

Fantastic animation of Evan Viera that inspired my work  (2013)

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