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The making of " The Incredibles" Documental

This documental, Making of The incredibles Directed by Rick Butler, shows how Brad Bird director of " The Incredibles" revolutionized the way pixar was doing its movies. In 2000 Pixar was in a comfort situation and there was the rumor that they always did the same. Therefore, John Lasseter - creative chief Director at Pixar- called to Brad to bring new air to the studio. Bird did not arrived alone to Pixar Studios, he brought with him the best animators that worked for Disney. At the beginning this was a problem because they were 2D animators (Miller,no date). 

However, the team worked together to create another Pixar´s successful film. Brad Bird said that the ego is not important, all the opinions were listened and valued, the most important is the movie he argued. Thats why this politic was used as the core of Pixar: every person in the company proposed something to improve the project. Finally they achieved  The Incredibles film winner of 2004 Annie Award for the best animated feature, along with two 2004 academy awards, including best animated feature and best sound editing (Wikia, no date).


Miller, J. (no date) Making the Incredibles. How Stuff Works [Online] Available [accessed: 15 November 2014]

Wikia (no date). The incredibles [Online] Available [accessed: 15 November 2014]

Making of The incredibles (2005). Documental. Directed by Rick Butler. USA

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