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Topology principles for animation

Topology refers to the geometric surface characteristics of a 3D object, and its made to prepare an object to be animated. A clean or good topology is usually illustrated by modelers how a 3D mesh with efficient polygon distribution, proper placement of polygonal edge-loops. One of the purposes of a good topology is to minimize stretching and distorsion of the object at the moment of being animated (Slick,J ,no date) 
Bellow the topology made for one of the projects of the course.Trying to follow the principles for a good topology for animation.

The principles for a topology for animation includes (Ruramuq ,2014):

1. Relativity: The flow of the edges is relative to it's motion, it means the spaces between vertexes could increse or decrease according to the geometry course.

2. Contour-Proximity: The edges geometry near contours, curves and in general borders  must follow the shape and the relativity principle. 

3. Continuity: The end and the beginning of borders should connect and fit properly in a logical sense.

4. Singularities: Regular vertices are normally connected trough 4 edges, irregular vertices have 3 to 5 conncetions forming triangles and stars. This should be avoided and is recommended to use instead subdivitions. 

5. Flow-motion: Is specially important in animation and means that all the edges should flow in the same direction.


Slick,J . (no date) Topology. AboutTech [Online] Available [Accessed:15 December 2014]

Ruramuq (2014). Topology principles for animation. Ruramuq Blog [Online] Available  [Accessed:15 December 2014]

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