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Storyboard is a graphic tool that help to organize every shot of a film or audiovisual piece, using illustrations or image with the purpose to set up the stage iluminations, camera movementes and check if the story is working visually.

These are 6 tips that ( give to do a storyboard is for interactive and softweare design but the ideas is similar.

1. Choose part of the problem
     First day do a diagram of scenes  which help to organize every shot before to start to draw.

2.Take notes
In this moment take notes of every coment or doubt in each shot.

3. Use a mind map
THis method help to give sense to every idea that is in your maind.

4. Crazy egth
Using a piece of paper draw 8 shots in 40 minuts, you have 5 minuts per shot and check if the idea is clear or not.

5. Critiques
Is important have a team that talk about what they like or dislike about the project

6. vote
Is moment to decide every shot in grup.

My personal work the use of storyboard helped me realize how many pieces had to modeling texturing and so stipulate the time it would take to do my work. (The 8 Steps To Creating A Great Storyboard
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