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Creative and technical process: Week 31. Recording References

I already had the tools, the rigging process perfectly done, books as I told before the "The Survival Animation Kit" , documentation. However, something that it's not written or documented anywhere is the personality of your own characters that also impacts how they move to really connect with the story and its feelings, the animation is not complete without this guided personality movements. We recorded ourselves acting as each character and thus give that touch of personality that needed our animations. Based on that, we tried to reflect it on 3D character animations to give a human fluid motion but also to reflect on their feelings in its movements. Another way to guide my work was my own corporal movements, I guided myself with the movements of my arm bending or my legs to understand fully the human anatomy. The image above shows the walking sequence of the character the Kid, we were trying to run as our character, a very happy child which see the world as a big game; having this in mind, we make very jumpy movements and dancy movements to denote the Kid's hapiness and attitute.
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