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Evaluation and Reflection: Week 28

The rigging process of the two main characters was successfully finished. Some of the interesting applications of animation concepts into this stage was the use of strength and squash principle. It was used to make the Thief character more cartoon in its movements in a stylized way. In the other hand, the Kid character didn't used this principles because we wanted it to look more realistic. The skin took a long time, so I have to improve and make it more effective to my work. Some of the challenges in the rigging process was the difference of anatomy of the two characters, the Kid is a human so it was easy to know its anatomy function to make the movements. However, the Thief is a cartoon abstraction of humans not the same, it hasn't hips, so it was a challenge to make the rigging. furthermore, I would take in account in the future the invented character anatomy to start working.

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