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Creative and technical process: Week 30. Alembic Cache

Some problems found in the first stages of animation was that I needed to create a scene with six characters interacting, however I couldn't get more than three characters in a single file. I spent two weeks trying to solve this problem, because it lead to an error in the rendering process. At first I tried to make different files, liek layers, a file had two characters and one that had other two, expecting that in that way I could joing all together to the complete scene. It worked for us in the beginning, but our tutor taught us that this was not a usefull way to make a composion. In orther to address it correctly we learned to use Alembic catche. A tool that helps animator to transfer assets. It exports the animated mesh of the animated object (our characters) without having any Rigg that was the error Maya shown for rendering; in that way, the character came to the scene animated and ready. However, this is a very usefull tool that also can be used to transfer assets in a work team, some of the short comings is taht the objects come without textures and you have to assign it all again.
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