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Evaluation and Reflection: Week 30

This week we started the animation process, my partner and I split some files to start working. We realized that the scene objects were very small compared with the characters mainly because they were made by two different people, so we needed some organization, however it was adjusted and fixed to all the components to be well proportioned. We began with simple things to animate like walked sequences, easy expressions to get practical skills and then start more difficult movements. So in this way approaching the animation in fist little steps helped us to approach the process in a way more manageable and suitable way according to our skills. My reflexion for this stage is that at first I didn't know how to do many things, like the walking cycle and the best way to learn is guiding the process with references. Richard Williams author of "The Animator's Survival Kit", he has many walguide and tool to create my own walking sequences. Williams has examples of timing and body positions that help me and enrich my learning process. The evaluation of this week was good we sorted out difficult issues and advanced in the animation process. 
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