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Evaluation and Reflection: Week 27

This week has been very important for the project. We basically finished the rigging process of the first main character, The Thief. It showed us that the rigging took much longer time that we expected. Basically, because we have to learn extra techniques and knowledge we didn't expect to require. In that way, applying the strength and squash required the learning of the expressions tool of Maya. However, It's difficult to keep on time the project, it's important to have in mind as core principle of the animation the quality of the product and all that it takes as its highest learning curve. Despite the time constraints, this new knowledge in the first main character helped to improve in the remaining characters, making the next riggings easier than the first one and with quality improved results.

In conclusion, animation it's not a straight way path, it requires continuous and constant improvement to have quality results. The time which takes to learn and improve will have great benefits in the future processes for an animation film and also for the personal professional development of the animation professional. 
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