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Evaluation and Reflection: Week 29

This week I finished the process of facial expressions through the Blend Shapes technique. However the process didn't take a long of time it required a maximum attention to details and try to imagine all the possible movements a character should do in the animation process. It was very interesting to see how the facial expressions make a big part of character personality and emotions; how important it's to create expressions that despite they are not realistic because it’s a cartoon style character still can show the human feelings and connect with the audience. I had to make all the expressions first myself with my face and friends to have an idea to make it the most natural as possible. Therefore, I think animation should always have a natural approach to connect with audience feelings. However, this process it's not always easy, replicate very natural expressions that we think are spontaneous requires a very detail approach from the artist in its process of capture reality and convert it in cartoon style without losing its instinctive look. 
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